Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Things I Bought with My Stimulus Check

I have been against the Stimulus check since day one. In fact, I was against it back in 2001. However, boy am I enjoying it. Below is a list of things I purchased with my Stimulus check.
I have no doubt that a Stimulus check does nothing for the economy. However, I was wrong in my assertion that a normal person (like me!) would only use it to pay off credit. I did pay off credit with my normal paycheck, but I couldn't have purchased any of the following without the Stimulus check. What does this say about the nature of the check?
Well, I would wager that it's evil by the Christian standard of the phrase. Take for instance the beer, the gambling, the canned Martini - but, I've said too much. See below. No particular order.

Stay at a Casino: 220
2 Bottles of Collins Mixer: 5
1 Bottle of Vodka: 11
1 Canned Martini: 3
1 Case of Corona: 25
1 Sixer of Heineken: 8
1 Can Sapporo: 3
Contact lenses: 20 (with voucher)
Dry Cleaning: 8
Coffee: 20
1 Jumbo Jack Meal: 5
1 Yogurt: 3
1 Order of Goat Cheese and Bacon Jalepenos: 9
2 Heinekens: 9
2 Grape Kneehighs: 10
Tip: 6
1 Coke: 4
1 Burger Meal at McMinnimins (spl?): 9
1 Wilted Spinach Salad: 9
1 House Salad: 5
1 Order of Fries: 2
1 Hour of Gambling: 100
1 12 Pack of Bud: 10
1 Baquet of Bread: 4
Fontina Cheese: 5
Butter: 4
Gas: 10
5 Packs of Cigarettes: 30
4 Pillows: 14
1 Taco Salad: 6
1 Coke: 3
1 Movie Rental: 5
3 Budweisers: 15

So, as you can see, sure I stimulated the economy, but at the expense of my body and my morals. I guess one way of looking at it is that I showed the most famous proponents of the Stimulus check (Barrack Obama and George W. Bush) may cringe knowing the very unChristian things I did with the governments money.
You see that hour long gambling binge? That's Uncle Sam.
See all that beer and booze? That's another plunge in the national budget.
So, I guess I can say that maybe I did all the above to give Jesus freaks like Obama and Bush the finger.
Well, that would be untrue. I did it to get drunk and have a good time. But, I hope that someday my children's children will look back at the Stimulus check of 08 and say "Damn, that dude got drunk."
Thank you

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