Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pink Slip

So, I have this dumb leak.
I call and tell them to let me know if they're gonna have to rip the ceiling out, because I have a vacation day and I don't want to be there.
They don't call me back.
I call.
"Did they leave a pink slip in the apartment explaining what they did?"
"I'm not at home, I had told them that -"
"Well, the maintenance team will leave a pink slip in the apartment explaining what needs to be done." (I lived there two years, I know this from 50 pink slips or so)
"I understand that. However, I asked when I called that someone call me and let me know if they are going to have to -"
"The pink slip will tell you that. Just when you get home call us and let us know if there is no pink slip."
"But, I'm just wondering if the maintenance team had told you whether they were going -"
"They will fill out two pink slips. One for you and one for us. If you don't get a pink slip then -"
"No, I know. I'm just - I asked if someone would call me and let me know if they are gonna rip out the ceiling because I wanted to take a vacation day tomo -"
"It will be on the pink slip. When you get home, call us and let us know if you have the pink slip."
"No, it's just - nevermind. I'll just look at the pink slip."
"OK. Let us know if you don't get a pink slip."
"Where are you going?"
"Huh - oh, no I'm taking a vacation day and I'm gonna be at home that's why I wanted to know if they are ripping out the ceiling - "
"Pink slip!"
"Pink slip."

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