Thursday, September 30, 2010

Liner Notes

My Linear Notes

Thanks go to: Allah, Kevin Jordan, Jordache Jeans, Brian "Kendel" Kendel, Angela "that girl who asked me to fuck her in the ass" Ross, Daniel Stern, McDonald's, Hashbrowns, that beer I had at 10 am on June 13, 1995, Big Mike and the Ass Wreckin' Crew, this black guy I know, the Republic of Chechnya, Barbara Walters, Johnny "three note" Threenote, Brian "Brian Smith" Smith, Veronica Dungeness Crabs, Amtrack, Caroline, Eddy, Bean Boy and Bobsy, Silent Washer, Mr. Kleitch, the Jordanian Embassy, Roswell, Jordache Jeans again, that condom that didn't break when I nailed that large woman, tater tots, the color blue, vinyl flooring, elm trees everywhere, the Chinese language, Veronica Bedbottoms, phones, my eyeballs, Christ, Satan, Neil Armstrong, Linda Ronstandt, Gloria Vanderbilt, Lionel Ritchie, the Ritchie family, Pops Two Note, Argosy Cruises, Plexiglass, the Neil Diamond Orchestra, Sandy, Kendel, and the whole marching band of Totem Lake highschool, bowling shoes, the Wall Disc 1, Lou Dobbs, Senator Palpatine, Chewbacca, the entire cast of Casablanca, Emilio Estevez, Doug, Ron, Phillip, Arby's, beach towels, and the good people at Midas. Matt Eckert would like to send a special shot out to the entire moon of Titan.

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