Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Old and not paragraphed

Don't Believe the Hype: The Terrorists Want Bush to WinIn reading the title of this article I realize how ridiculous it reads to label these people as "the terrorists." But, for the sake of speaking to the ill-informed, we'll leave it.The Bushalikes of this world would like you to believe that "the terrorists" (I'm guessing Bin Laden and his Iraqi counterpart Al-Zarqawi) would like John Kerry to win the 04 vote. Their reasoning is that John Kerry is weak on terror and would create a weaker America for the terrorists to attack.Nothing could be further from the truth, and I believe their reasoning stems from a belief that the more liberal you are the weaker you are. And, in fact, this is also untrue as liberals have been the most courageous of Americans in their fight for change under the Bush administration in the face of "if you're not with us, you're against us".But, John Kerry is far from liberal or weak. This is a former prosecutor, and (god help me, but let's just restate it once again) a decorated vet. To explain it further, I would add that I'm as left-leaning as they come and was very disappointed in the results of the Democratic primaries as I believe this nation needs an even swifter and harder push to the left, Dean style.Therefore, Kerry would not be weak on terror and has faced it first hand (Vietnam).And neither would George Bush. But, that doesn't mean that a Bush re-elect would be trouble for Bin Laden and Co.In fact, it would be a boon.No United States president has done more for the Islamic Fundamentalist movement than George Bush. If you want to play the mirror game, look at the Christian Fundamentalists that got Bush into Texas in the first place. But, further: the attack without firm evidence on Afghanistan (which I actually may support), the attack on Iraq with no evidence or international support, and the continued unconditional support of Israel has made Bin Laden a lightning rod of resistance. Add the jackboot arrest without warrant, evidence, or trial of Muslims all over the world for suspected mischief and you have a hatred of America and a love of anything anti-America in the Muslim world that will no doubt has caused fanatical support of anyone who aims a plane at the United States.All of these policies have been created by the current administration (barring Israel), and I'm sure they will become tougher if Bush is to be re-elected.Now, on one point Bush said it right: "we must win the hearts and minds of these people." Have we? On the contrary, we have done everything in our power to make sure that any initial hatred of us was justified.Terrorists (or the specter of terrorism) is a different kind of war and one in which the enemy has no country, no base of operation and lives next door to the civilians caught in the middle. This war on terrorism cannot be won by brute force.Reagan put the final nail in the Communist coffin of the USSR when he helped bleed the Russians dry of wealth with continued pressure on the Space and Arms race.What George Bush should have done was bleed the terrorists of their beliefs that America was the great Satan. This could have been done with the help of humanitarian efforts in the Middle East, a firm stance with Israel that terrorism is terrorism no matter what flag you carry, and sanctions against Saudi Arabia for the bizzaro Democratic state they claim to have.Instead we froze all accounts linked to these humanitarian groups and threw those who gave in jail. Instead, we have watched Israel kill women and children daily (and if you say "right to protect" look at the numbers of dead and we'll score). Instead we have continued to ignore the hate taught in schools against America and Israel, the brutal justice system, and the criminal misogyny in Saudi Arabia.Were some of the humanitarian groups supporting terrorists? Sure. Probably. But, what is ignored is that we continue to support groups and countries that give and practice terror. Not only that, but some of these "terrorist" organizations are the crux of the social and economic systems in some countries. Some of these groups provide the only education the children of these countries will ever get. And if they are teaching their children to hate America and Israel and we're offended, then we should pass the offense to Saudi Arabia.George Bush went ass first at full speed into the mild contempt for America in the Middle East and turned it apocalyptic.Without George Bush and with a complete overhaul of how we treat Islamic nations and people, Bin Laden would certainly find a reason to attack us again lacking. And, what's more, his people would find him lacking the integrity that he has so easily acquired in the last ten years.So, if you feel safer with George Bush, keep in mind that Bin Laden does as well.

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