Wednesday, August 18, 2010


ODB – We Hardly Knew Ya As many of you may know, ODB has died. Old Dirty Bastard, we'll miss you.

To be quite honest, I'm not even sure what songs he's sung or rapped. In fact, it was news to me that he was in the Wu Tang Clan.

But, one thing I'm convinced of is this: he had a great name. Dana Carvey once made fun of Sting for naming himself "Sting." And Dana was right. But, naming yourself Old Dirty Bastard is different. I'm not even sure he named himself, but if he did, I'm sure some thought went into it. Whereas Sting wore some yellow suit and was dubbed "Sting," imagine what ODB did to deserve that name. I bet it would make for an interesting story.

So, I started wondering – how did the name come about? Was he shower-phobic? Was his favorite Peanuts character Pig Pen? Did he keep a messy house? Or was he dirty in that other way – the Rick James way? Which then lead me to speculate, it's not just the good that die young, no it's the dirty as well.

I guess James wasn't all that young, but he died before he could collect social security. And you know that was a big theme in his music – social security. With ODB, on the other hand – he was young. Very young. 35, in fact. Imagine all the nasty things he packed into those 35 years....and then think of all that could have been.

I bet if ODB is up in heaven, right now, he's treating himself to some REALLY ROTTEN sex. Like stuff that involves peeing and pooping on people. That's just the way ODB would want it, though. Would you disagree?

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